
2019年12月3日—IhavethesystemonUPS–soIwantbothofthemwritecachetobeenable.Somyquestionis–mustdisableallwritecache(andlosethehigh ...,2012年3月6日—Hi,Ijustupdatedmy212Jto4.0andInoticedthefollowingmessagesindmesg:sd0:0:0:0:[sda]Writecache:disabled,readcache: ...,Disablingthewritecachewillreducethechancesofdatalosscausedbyabnormalpoweroutages.Toenablewritecachesupport:Pleasefollowthestepsbelowto .....

Hard Disk Enable write cache

2019年12月3日 — I have the system on UPS – so I want both of them write cache to be enable. So my question is – must disable all write cache (and lose the high ...

Harddrive Write Cache Disabled.

2012年3月6日 — Hi, I just updated my 212J to 4.0 and I noticed the following messages in dmesg: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: ...

HDDSSD | DSM - Knowledge Center

Disabling the write cache will reduce the chances of data loss caused by abnormal power outages. To enable write cache support: Please follow the steps below to ...


2012年11月28日 — Please disable the disk write cache if this situation happens often. Two things: 1. Drives are all green and seem accessible in the storage ...

Please Help**the write cache feature of this drive has been ...

2022年5月30日 — Is there a chance you have to disable the read cache first? It makes a RAID 1 volume out of the two SSD for write cache.

Should I disable the disk cache?

2012年10月12日 — Hi all. I was wondering what is the recommended configuration regarding the disk cache. I have a DS212J with a 3TB HDD (64MB cache).

Why is my Synology NAS always caching data even when ...

2021年9月24日 — I have a Synology NAS DS720+ with two 4To HDD and two 250Go SSD for read/write cache. ... When I permanently disable SSD cache, the noise goes ...

Write cache enable by default??

2018年12月18日 — I went through that (Storage-Manager → HDD/SSD Tab →Action →Configure Write Cache), but after disabling it for each drive, it keeps on ...

Write cache on HDD - on or off

2019年3月11日 — Hi, How do you guys setup your write cache on HDD (not SSD)? Is it a big speed improvement in write speeds leaving it on?